Focus Mode

Achieve uninterrupted concentration on the task at hand.


Keep distractions at bay and zoom in on your current task.


Activating Focus Mode

  • Press f on your keyboard to jump into focus mode. You'll be directed to your next task for the day.

  • Starting a task's timer? We'll shift you into focus mode automatically. You can tweak this in your Account Settings.

  • Want to hone in on a particular task? Simply hover or click the task and press f.

  • Use the spacebar to toggle the task timer on and off.

  • Glide your cursor to the top right and hover on Upcoming to sneak a peek at your calendar. No more missed meetings!

  • Complete a task? Smarty smoothly transitions you to the next one. Finish all tasks? Revel in the "Day Accomplished" display.

  • Click on "Break" for a breather from your task.

Deactivating Focus Mode

  • Press esc or select "Close" from the hover menu atop the page to exit.

Smart Tips

  • 🕒 Utilize the timer in focus mode. It'll anchor your commitment to a singular task and sharpen your task-time predictions.

  • ⬆️⬇️ Navigate tasks seamlessly using the arrow keys, staying in the focus bubble.


  • Date & time

  • See upcoming meetings

  • Actual/Planned/Pomodoro+Break Timer

  • Toggling between the time and weather vs. Timer

  • See tasks list (and sub-tasks)

  • Add notes

  • Vibes/sounds/

Last updated